

Monday, February 28, 2011

the Egyptian guide Mr.Hobby in the valley of the Kings in Luxor - upper Egypt

The valley of the Kings in the west side of the Nile in upper Egypt in the city of Luxor is one of the most important munuments in the world. This valley is about 10 km away from the Nile and one can reach it by bus or by boat to the west side of the Nile and afterwards by a bus or a taxi. In this valley one can find alot of graves of the rulers of Egypt thousands of years ago such as the grave of Tut Ankh Amoun. Since I started my work as a tour guide I found a visit to this valley is a must .I am a free lance guide to many local travel companies which are agents for big europian travel companies such as Thomas Cook , Jet Air, Krass....etc

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